Does The Noom Red Food List Help You Lose Weight?

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When it comes to losing weight, one of the hardest things to do is cut out the food you love.  Noom claims you don’t have to give up any of your favorite foods to lose weight.  In this post, let’s take a closer look at the Noom red food list.

Dieting seems simple enough right, burn more calories than you take in. But for a lot of people, it’s not that easy. There are so many fad diets that promise they have the secret to losing weight.  Most of these don’t work, and people end up putting any weight they did lose right back on.

The problem with so many diets out there is that you have to give up the food you enjoy eating.  That is no fun, and people typically end up failing with their diet.  What if there was a way to eat the foods you love and still lose weight?  That is where Noom comes in.

What is Noom

Noom is a top-rated weight management program designed to help you change your habits.  This innovative platform, built by health professionals, works to help you make healthier choices when it comes to food.

The Noom app feeds you bite-sized articles daily to help you understand things like food triggers and how to eat in social settings. This is all part of helping to re-train your brain to make better choices and live a healthy lifestyle.  Noom is more than a diet; it’s a lifestyle.

Noom food categories

Noom breaks food down into different color-coded categories, green, yellow, and red. The focus of this article is specifically the Noom red food list.

The food categories in the Noom program are based on caloric density, which is the number of calories in the volume of food.  Foods that are rich in water, like fruits and veggies, cooked grains, and low-fat dairy, give you a small number of calories in a larger volume of food.  These types of foods will help you feel more full and satisfied.

Take grapes vs. raisins as an example. One cup of grapes has roughly 60 calories, but one cup of raisins contains about 500 calories.  See the difference?  With foods that have low-calorie density, you can eat more and get the same amount of calories.

Okay, so back on track here about the different categories.

The green category includes the food that should make up the majority of your diet, you can see my article here for more information.  This category contains foods you might expect, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  These are foods that are the least calorie-dense, meaning they fill you up and have the least amount of calories, so eat away.

Food in the yellow category has more calories than eating in the green category. It should be included in your diet in moderation.  These include lean meats and starches, grilled chicken, avocado, Greek yogurt, to name a few.  See my article here for more information on Noom yellow foods.

Noom red food list

Along those same lines, red foods are the most calorie-dense foods.  These types of foods have the least amount of good stuff (healthy nutrients) and should be eaten in smaller portions, less frequently.  Examples include red meat, desserts, etc.

Here is an example of the foods on the Noom red food list.

Example of the Noom red food list

The beautiful thing with the Noom diet, no foods are off-limits, and this is part of living a healthy lifestyle. This is not an extreme diet, like so many other diet programs out there. You can still enjoy the food you love to eat.

Moderation is the key

With the Noom weight management program and the, “no foods are off-limits” theme, practicing moderation is critical. Controlling your portions of red foods will be essential to your success.  Here is an example.  I love potato chips, which are squarely on the red food list.

I can eat a serving-sized bag of chips and have that with some deli meat to help fill me up.  I happen to really like sliced deli meat as well.  This is an excellent combination for me, and I still get to satisfy my craving for chips, but pair that with something more filling, and it’s a win-win.

But, if you can still eat foods you enjoy, you are much more likely to be successful in meeting and maintaining your weight loss goals.

Tracking your food

Don’t worry about keeping track of all this on your own, Noom will help you out with that.  Noom has a giant database, and the foods are divided into these three categories for you.  All you have to do is log the food you eat, and Noom will categorize everything for you.

Tracking your food can be a rather eye-opening experience.  What really stinks is I have learned how many Ghirardelli chocolate chips (red food) I actually eat each given day. It’s not something I am proud of :).

Soon, you will start to see a pattern, like a lot of your intake, is from the red category. Noom will then be able to guide you in making healthier choices when it comes to your diet.

Getting started with Noom

Getting started is very easy. You can download the app in your app store.  There are a series of questions about your goals and current lifestyle, then you enter your email.  Noom will create a custom plan for you to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Noom Coach

Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone guide you through the weight loss process?  Noom also has you covered in this area.  Once you create your account, you will be paired with a coach and a goal specialist.  This coaching team is there to help you along the way.  Your team is available during business hours Monday-Friday to help you.  You can reach your coaching team from within the app itself.

Noom coaches come from a variety of backgrounds, including psychology, fitness, and nutrition.  If you have questions about food or exercise, or just need some motivation, the coaches are there to help you.

Coaching is a unique feature that not all diet plans offer.  Some people can lose weight on their own, and other folks need help along the way.

Noom pricing

Noom has a variety of price plans available, and you can check out my article here for more information.  There are monthly plans, all the way up to an annual plan.  There is also a 14-day trial, so you can try Noom and see if it’s for you. If not, you can cancel before the 14-day trial expires.

Conclusion: Noom red food list

The Noom diet program takes a different approach to weight management than a lot of other diets do.  With Noom, you don’t have to cut out all the foods you love to eat, but rather learn to consume them in moderation.

When no foods are off-limits, you are more likely to meet and maintain your weight loss goals versus cutting out the food you enjoy. Again, moderation is the key.

The folks at Noom will help you along the way, with articles designed to help you understand what is going on in your brain when it comes to food.  Your Noom coaching team will help keep you on track, or get you back on track if you wander.

The Noom red food list is an example of foods you can eat in moderation. You can still enjoy certain foods and incorporate those foods into your diet.

Try Noom’s 14 Day Trial!

 For more information on the Noom diet, you can see my complete review here.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for stopping by today.


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