Ten Reasons You Need a Personal Trainer

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Are your workouts getting you the results you want?  If not, you will be glad you tuned in today.  In this post, I will talk about ten reasons you need a personal trainer. If you are not meeting your fitness goals, I encourage you to follow along.

1. You are not meeting your goals

Meeting your fitness goals is one of the top reasons to workout with a personal trainer.  You can work out ad nauseam, but if you are not achieving your goals, then what’s the point.  Everyone has goals. Whether your exercise goals include losing weight, building muscle, increasing your endurance, or just keeping up with your kids, working out with a personal trainer can help you get where you want to be physically.  If you are not meeting your fitness goals, it might be time to enlist the help of an expert fitness trainer.

2. Help you get started

If you have never worked out before, or it’s been a really long time, a certified personal trainer can help you get started.  A trainer will help you define your goals and design a program, including diet and exercise, that will put you on the path to reaching said goals.

A fitness professional will develop a workout plan that fits where you are today and help you change the plan as you progress.  Also, a trainer will show you proper technique, whether it’s lifting weights, or using an elliptical machine.

Working out can be overwhelming at first, so it’s best to get started correctly. Trainers offer a lot of value for people who are just getting started with fitness.

3. You get the support you need

When you are first getting started working out, your goals may seem a million miles away, and it’s easy to get frustrated.  You can also get down on yourself.  Working with a personal trainer will help you stay focused on your goals, and a trainer will provide you with the support you need.

How will a trainer provide support?

  • By encouraging you every step of the way
  • Tracking your progress so you can see how far you have come
  • Checking in with you throughout the week to make sure you are on track and to answer any questions you have
  • Provide you with motivation if you are just not feeling it somedays

Getting the support you need is a huge difference-maker when you are trying to achieve your fitness goals.

4. Hold you accountable

Yes, a good trainer is going to hold you accountable.  As I mentioned in the last point, an expert personal trainer will keep tabs on you to make sure you are on track and answer any questions you may have.  It’s going to be a lot harder to slack off if you know someone is checking in with you.Working out with a personal trainer

It’s easy to come up with excuses to skip workouts, but it takes more effort actually to cancel an appointment with a personal trainer.

When you are working out on your own, it’s easy to put it off or not do it all.  Having an accountability partner can make all the difference in the world.  After all, you set goals to achieve them, so give yourself every opportunity to go out there and meet them.

5. Your diet sucks

A huge part of getting fit and living a healthy lifestyle is what you eat.  A personal trainer will help set you straight when it comes to eating right.  Not only will your trainer design a workout routine for you, but will also take a close look at your diet.  A well designed and healthy diet will go a long way to achieving your fitness goals.

6. Saves you time

A lot of people have little clue about what they should be doing when it comes to exercise.  What equipment they should use, how many reps, which muscle groups to work on what day. It’s all kind of overwhelming and time consuming to figure out.

Enlisting the help of a personal trainer can save you time with a well-designed fitness plan.  No more going to the gym, wandering around trying to figure out what exercises to do.  You don’t have to spend half your time trying to come up with your own plan. With your exercise plan in hand, you can hit the ground running (literally) when you get to the gym.

If you prefer to workout at home, even better, no trip to the gym (which saves more time) and your trainer can design a workout routine you can do at home.

7. Breaking through plateaus

Results used to come easy, but not anymore. You work out frequently, but you are getting frustrated at the lack of results.  Hiring a personal trainer is a great way to help you break through plateaus.  Everyone reaches a plateau at some point in their fitness journey, and they can be tough to crack.

A trainer can take a look at your current routine and help you make adjustments so you can reach new heights.  Sometimes it just takes a second pair of eyes to see something you don’t.  If you are struggling to break through, you may want to look into working out with a trainer.

8. Your workout is stale

Along the same lines as breaking through a plateau, stale workouts will get you nowhere.  Your workout needs to keep you engaged. Otherwise, it’s going to be hard to force yourself to do it.  If you do the same exercise over and over again, pretty soon, you are going to get bored.  You need to challenge your body and make it do different things.

A personal trainer will help you design a workout that will keep you engaged so you can meet your fitness goals.

9. You will get stronger

Maybe your end goal isn’t adding bulk, but you still want to increase your strength. Or you want more endurance to play with your kids. As a result of working out with a trainer, you are going to get stronger, maybe even in ways you never imagined.

You will have more energy and strength, which is a good thing.  Getting stronger will help with everyday tasks in your life, playing with your kids, or doing chores around the house.  You will not only be able to slim down and get toned, but there are other benefits of getting stronger.

10. Helps you de-stress

We are all super busy these days, with work, kids, and plenty of other obligations.  It’s very easy to be overly stressed.  Exercise is a great way to combat stress.  Exercise releases endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling in your body.

Often during the middle of a great workout, you will forget what you are so darn stressed out about, to begin with. Working out with a trainer will help to get rid of stress and improve your mood.

Where can you find a personal trainer?

If you are interested in working out with a personal trainer, it’s easy to find one in your area. There are several apps out there for finding an expert trainer near you.

Trainers are vetted, certified, and will meet you at home, outside (like at a park), or at a gym.

The beauty of FYT is convenience.  Your trainer will meet with you when it’s convenient for your schedule.  If you prefer to work out in the comfort of your own home, the trainer will meet you there.

Oh, and the best part of working out at home?  Your expert trainer will bring all the necessary equipment to make sure you have a productive workout.

For more information or to find a trainer in your area, you can read my complete FYT review here.

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