What is Noom Coach? Getting More From Noom

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What is Noom Coach?  This is a question I have heard a lot lately.  You may have heard of the top-rated diet app called Noom. In this post, I will explain what you can expect from this innovative weight management program and how the coaching works.

A lot of people want to lose weight, and for many different reasons.  Some people want to live a healthier lifestyle. Other people need to lose weight for health-related reasons.  Everybody has a purpose; the problem is losing weight is not so simple.

The concept of losing weight is pretty easy, burn more calories than you take in.  But actually losing the weight is the problem for a lot of people. Some people don’t know where to start, or what to eat to lose weight.  There are different apps available to help you track calories, etc. but some people still need more.

What is Noom?

Noom is a mobile health platform that focuses on changing behavior as a mode to weight management.  Simply put, Noom is an easy to use app that can help you achieve your weight loss goals. A big part of losing weight is knowing where to start and committing to a plan of action.

Noom helps you get the ball rolling through a series of questions about you and your goals.  Once Noom gets to know you better, you will have a customized plan for losing weight.  Noom is not a crash diet that will ultimately fail, but rather a lifestyle change that takes place slowly so you will be successful.

What makes Noom different?

When you download the app, you will probably think “I have been through this before,” with questions about your current and goal weight, age range, etc. Once you get through the questionnaire and set up your account, you will start to see the difference in Noom vs. other weight loss programs.

Noom focuses on helping you change your behavior.  Noom feeds you (pun intended) lessons each day about things like food triggers and eating in social settings and how to manage these situations. The focus is teaching you how your mind works in regards to the decisions you make when it comes to the food you eat.

These small daily doses of information are critical to your long-term success.  You can save the articles for later if you want to and there is a short quiz at the end of each lesson to make sure you understand the material.  Nothing scary, just making sure you are good with the content.

What is Noom coach?

Now that you have an understanding of what Noom is let’s talk about coaching.  But first, let’s back up just a bit.  Noom offers a 14-day trial, so you can try the system out and see if it’s a good fit for you.  When you finish creating your account and start the 14-day trial, you will be matched with a coaching team, consisting of a Goal Specialist and a group coach.  The coaching team will help you along the way with making healthy choices, motivation as well as setting and reaching your goals.

Noom coaches come from a variety of backgrounds, including diet/nutrition, personal training, health coaching, etc.  Noom coaches go through training in lifestyle and behavior change. Many of the coaches hold National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching certifications.

The goal of your coaching team is to help you be successful.

Your Goal Specialist will set up a communication plan that works for you, like checking in once or twice per week, whatever fits your schedule.  You communicate with your specialist through in-app messaging.

The group coach is in daily contact through the support group.  The coaches work standard Monday through Friday business hours. You have unlimited access to the group, and you can connect with other members.

Coaching and support are two ingredients that help to set Noom apart from other weight management programs. Support is crucial to achieving your goals, and Noom coach enables you to get where you want to be.

Noom food categories

I think it is essential to talk about something I briefly touched on earlier when I mentioned cutting out the foods you love.  Noom breaks food down into different categories, green, yellow, and red.  The majority of your diet should consist of foods from the green group; yellow in moderation and red should be limited.

The categories are based on water-rich foods and how many nutrients are in the food, so don’t worry, the green group isn’t just lettuce and celery.  You can check out my post on the different categories: green foods list and yellow foods list.

The critical thing to note is that you don’t have to cut out the foods you love entirely; it’s more practicing moderation.  One reason people fail at diets is that they will cut out all the foods they love, which honestly probably needs to happen to a certain extent. But if you completely cut out all of your favorite foods, you are probably going to quit the diet.

Situations like this are where your coaching team and the daily lessons can help you make healthy choices.  For instance, I love potato chips.  I can have a serving size bag of chips, pair that with some lunch meat, and that is an excellent alternative to eating just a boatload of potato chips. In this case, I still get to satisfy my craving for chips, and I add another healthy option.

How much does Noom cost

There are a variety of different price plans available for Noom.  You can go with a monthly plan ($59), an annual plan ($199), or just about anywhere in between.  These plans bill on an auto-recurring basis, and you can cancel at any time.  Just remember to cancel before your billing period expires, or you will pay for another billing cycle.

How does Noom work?

After you create your account, you will begin by tracking your food and exercise.  Tracking your activities will help to determine patterns. These patterns will ultimately help you make healthy (or healthier) choices when it comes to food.  Noom has a giant database of different food options, so tracking your calories is easy to do.

Is Noom worth it?

The answer here, of course, will depend on you.  With a customized plan laid out for you, the execution of that plan is up to you.  Noom gives you the tools you need to succeed. You have access to a group coach and a Goal Specialist who are there to help you succeed.

If you hire a dietician /nutritionist, a personal trainer, and have access to a community of people who are there to support you along the way, you would be hard-pressed to get all of that for the price of the Noom subscription.  What you get from a cost perspective is pretty impressive.

Conclusion: What is Noom coach?

Noom coaching is a team of folks how are there to help you with your weight loss goals.  Your coaching team is one aspect that makes Noom different from other weight management programs out there.  Noom will develop a customized plan for you and helps you change your behavior when it comes to making healthy food choices.

Now that you have a better understanding of how Noom coaching works, you may want to try the 14-day trial (for $1) and take a closer look for yourself.  If you decide it’s for you, you can continue with the program, if not you can cancel before your 14-day trial expires and owe nothing. Click here to see my complete review.

If you are looking for an innovative tool to help you lose weight, why not give Noom a try?






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