Noom Yellow Food List (What You Need to Know)

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In this post, I will introduce you to the Noom yellow food list and explain how Noom uses different food categories with their innovative weight loss program. If you are familiar with Noom, you may already know about the different food categories. If not, I encourage you to keep reading and find out more.

No matter what the reason for losing weight, is often a struggle for people.  Some people need to lose weight as part of a healthier lifestyle, while other folks have different reasons.

In concept, losing weight seems pretty straightforward, take in fewer calories than you burn.  But, it’s not always so easy to execute that plan. You might think if you cut out all the junk food, you will lose weight, or start going to the gym and exercising, maybe that’s the key. That may work for a short time but is often not sustainable.

The fact remains that people fail with losing weight for a variety of reasons.  There are so many diet programs out there telling you not to eat this, or eat this instead. But, if you cut out all of the food you love to eat, you are probably going to fail because you can only deprive yourself for so long.  Sure some people can cut out all the foods they love and never look back, but those folks are pretty rare.

What is Noom, and how does it work?

Noom takes a different approach to lose weight and keeping it off long-term, it is not a traditional diet program, but a lifestyle.  Noom is an innovative mobile health platform that was developed by a team of health professionals.

The idea behind the program is to help you change your habits when it comes to making food choices.  Through different food categories, Noom will help you make better choices when it comes to food. Noom will also guide you through food triggers and help you manage these, so you don’t get off course.

The folks who write the content for Noom come from backgrounds in medicine, nutrition, exercise, and psychology.  The content creators are dedicated to helping you get the most out of Noom so that you can achieve your weight loss goals.

Calorie density

One of the driving forces behind Noom is the idea of calorie density when it comes to different foods.  Foods that are naturally rich in water should fill the majority of your diet, like fruits, veggies, and lean meats, for example. These are low-calorie dense foods since they have fewer calories based on the volume of food.

Calorie density is the average calories per weight of the food.  Foods with low-calorie density have fewer calories, but fill you up more. Foods with high-calorie density have a lot of calories in a small volume, like nuts. Having a diet based on low-calorie dense foods helps to make you feel full with fewer calories.

Here is an example, take grapes and raisins, which are the same food.  One cup of grapes has about 60 calories, whereas one cup of raisins has about 500 calories, see the difference? You don’t have to fill up on calories to feel full, that is where water content and calorie density come into play.

Noom yellow food list

For some people losing weight comes down to knowing how to make better food choices. Noom can help you with food choices, by putting food into different categories, green, yellow, and red.  The reason that each food falls into its category is based on calorie density, which we just touched on.

Food in the green category are low in calorie density and should fill the majority of your diet. Don’t let the name fool you, though. This category is not just leafy greens.

Some foods in the green category do include veggies, but also whole grains, non-fat Greek yogurt, and eggs, to name a few.  These foods have the highest amount of healthy nutrients, so it makes sense you should eat more of these.

Foods on the Noom yellow food list have more calories and should be eaten in moderation. Some foods included in yellow are lean meats and starches. Below is a list of more specifics.

Noom Yellow Food List

The red category contains foods that are the highest in calories and provide the least healthy nutrients.  These foods should be less frequent in your diet, but you don’t have to cut them out completely.

You don’t have to figure this out on your own. The extensive Noom food database does all the work for you when it comes to logging your meals. The majority of your food should come from the green list, followed by food on the yellow food list in moderation.

Changing your habits

We all develop habits, some good and some not so good.  It can be tough to change your habits,  I can attest to that.  By tracking your food daily with Noom, you will start to see patterns in what you are eating.  If you are eating a lot of food that is high in calorie density (food in the red group), Noom can help you make better food choices that are in alignment with your overall goals.

With the Noom app, each day, you will read bite-sized (pun intended) articles that will talk about the psychology of habits, food triggers, etc. These articles are meant to help you understand the driving force behind what makes us eat certain foods. There is a quiz at the end of each lesson, just to make sure you know the content.  From there, Noom will help you make food choices that align with your goals.

Changing your habits can be a daunting task, but Noom can help.  Shifting more of your diet to the green food list, followed by the yellow food list in moderation is key.

Try Noom’s 14 Day Trial!

Eating food you enjoy

With Noom, there are no foods that are off-limits, and that is a beautiful thing.  The catch is finding a balance between eating foods you love, in moderation, and pairing that with food that will fill you up.  By pairing high-calorie dense food with low calorie-dense food, you can satisfy your craving and eat something filling.

For me, potato chips and chocolate chips are my downfalls.  To satisfy my craving for chips, it is okay to eat a small amount, or a serving size bag and pair that with something from the green or yellow food list, like deli meat.  Honestly, I love deli meat too, so that sounds like an excellent combo for me.

Why people fail to lose weight

There are a lot of reasons why people fail when it comes to losing weight. Oh sure, you might be able to lose a few pounds on a “crash” diet, but unless you are ultra-committed, the weight will eventually find its way back.

Here are some reasons why people fail to lose weight and keep it off:

  • Don’t know where to start
  • Don’t know what foods to eat
  • They don’t have support
  • They don’t hold themselves accountable
  • It’s hard to sustain
  • Don’t like “diet food”

There are many other reasons for sure, and I am sure you can add something to the list. Whatever the reason, Noom is a great place to get started.

Living a healthier lifestyle

Noom is not a diet program, but rather a platform designed to help you change habits and for a much healthier lifestyle.  People fail with diets because they are restrictive.  With Noom, you can still eat the foods you love in moderation, which is better than completely depriving yourself.

By figuring out eating habits, and tweaking those habits, you are more likely to be successful than just cutting yourself off from food you like to eat. Eating foods from the yellow food list in moderation can help you achieve your long term goals.

Noom coach

One more thing that is very important to know about Noom is coaching.  When you sign up for Noom, you are going to be paired with a coach. Your Noom coach is there to help you along the way. If you have questions or need help with food choices, you can reach out to your coach for support.

Coaching is one aspect of Noom that sets it apart.  When you have someone to help you along the way and hold you accountable, it will help you accomplish your goals. Your coach can help you shift more of your diet to the appropriate categories.


If you are seriously looking to change your habits and lifestyle, Noom may be a great option for you.  There is a 14-day trial, and you can take the program for a test drive to see if you like it.  The cost is $1 for the 14- day trial. Feel free to read my complete Noom review.

What you will get with Noom:

  • An inside look into your eating habits
  • A coach to help and support you along the way
  • Daily articles about nutrition and habits that you can save and refer to later
  • A community of people you can lean on for support

I think the best features of Noom are the coaching and the daily articles that explain habits and how to change them.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.  You can also reach out to me directly.

Thanks for stopping by today.


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